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John Borchard (JB) graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1976 in the Honors Program in Mechanical Engineering with simultaneous Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

Since then he was employed by the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory in Cambridge Massachusetts, designing, debugging, debugging, and implementing software for an in-house Computer-Aided Design (CAD) system.

He was also employed as a Project Manager and Senior Engineer by Setra Systems near Boston, a manufacturer of pressure instruments and laboratory balances. He is responsible for the digital electronics and software in their first line of laboratory balances, shown here. It was also his responsibility to interact with the marketing department to determine which user features to implement. In the development of the anti-vibration design, it was his job to buy mice to dance on the balance pan!

After this, Dendritics was his life for 20 years. 

He is now having fun with websites.  Check out Venetian Windows or Marian's Paintings or Newton Open Studios.  Or if you prefer, these versions: Venetian Windows.  Has a great Pad Thai recipe as well.  Then Pearl Goddess (Betty Sue of King's Ransom, truly the Pearl Goddess) and Bella the Greyhound!



The second photo is shocking! Did someone scare you? You are too much!


A Card Steve penned for JB in '97


Another birthday card from 92. After comments were added, it was (Click here).


This image formed a birthday card for JB's 41st in 1993.


The well-wishes on its rear.  Cute!


A great close-up from the Robot Nightmare


What?  Click on this one for enlargement...


Looking pretty excited that first year in Tucson '91

And some of the Kudos for Dendritics or the Website ...

Lisa's Ode to JB (in Turkish, some assembly required) for his 45th birthday


Steve claims that this is JB riding on a rail, but that it did not originate with him!  Then who done it?  Possibly Vova?


Must have just started up a beard?  This does look menacing.


A very early card.  The font was so small that no one could read it!


In 95~96 or so, JB had his nose operated on.  Was nothing safe from the toonish hand of Steve?


"Studmuffins of Science" surfaced about this time ...


I am not sure when this card dated from. Must have been early, due to the cats.




JB and Marian and JB's mother Zena took 3 weeks off over one Christmas early in the 90's.


Images and webpage designs © 2001-2025 your webmaster, jb and Dendritics Inc. [-]